Social media is a major part of people’s lives, many checking in throughout the day to stay in touch with family, friends and the world. Living vicariously through a connection’s words and imagery, people can consume snippets of the outside world. A reasonable next step would be social media users getting out and becoming part of or adding to those events.
The Project
The idea behind ARcadia is to approach social media from a more communal aspect and less of a voyeur. ARcadia uses geolocation and augmented reality to tell stories, create interactive experiences and bring friends and family together even when they’re not nearby. Users will drive the content, interact with and explore posts all within a safe app that allows them to easily decide who sees what posts and when.
The Project Goals
To design a social media app focused on augmented reality that is more than a gimmick and brings friends together even when they’re far apart. To build a safe and fun app to share or create experiences among users.
- UX Designer
- UI Designer
- Researcher
- Sketch
- Illustrator
- Framer
- 2 Weeks
Let's Get Started
Heading into this project, I knew social media as a whole was just fine but I wanted to look into the pain points where users felt social media was letting them down, where it could improve and how it could potentially take a step forward… and AR was peeking around the corner at me.
The first thing I knew I needed to do was a thorough analysis of the social media giants, check to see if and how another app was thinking about AR and any other apps that may be thinking about a more communal social media aspect. It wasn’t hard to fall down a serious rabbit hole of research at this stage.
Competitor Analysis
Research Methodologies
Questionnaire – I developed a series of questions focused on how people use social media, why they choose particular apps and what pain points they may have. I also looked for trends in different generations and the difference in how they use and perceive social media.
Competitor Analysis – I researched numerous social media apps including several apps that focus on AR, popular social media apps as well as fringe apps and why their users continue to participate.
Secondary Research – I conducted extensive secondary research in AR and social media since they are still a rare combination. I looked to opinion articles, research and areas that focus on the future of social media combined with AR.
Need to be connected with those close to them
Would go out of their way to visit a location posted by a friend or influencer
Pain Points
Are not sure what to do with AR
Want the option to use their voice about a business or location
Research Synthesis
At this point, I had some amazing data from 220 respondents that was pointing me towards a handful of things, the most important was my core audience and how they used social media. I realized I was going to have two very different demographics to aim for and the way they viewed and used social media was quite different. I created personas based on the data I collected, focusing on their specific needs, frustrations and motivations. I was also aware that the groups I chose were open to trying out this thing called Augmented Reality, but there was very little out there to show them what they could truly do with it.
Persona - Ashley
Persona - Ashley
Empathy Maps
Empathy Map - Ashley
Empathy Map - Jayla
The idea was starting to come into focus a bit. I didn’t have exact designs or functionality, but I started to see what the personas needed to start addressing their pain points. The storyboards became a highlight of the process for me and actually started the way forward for discovering the core functionality.
Storyboard - Ashley
Storyboard - Jayla
How Might We...
Doodle & FLow
I found myself in need of some inspiration because how I saw an AR app work wasn’t a typical interface. I decided to use a technique that was suggested to me by my mentor and it ended up guiding me to discover designs I wouldn’t have reached if I was overthinking it. Sometimes those ideas are locked away somewhere and doodling them out without thinking is the only way to find them.
Creating a bunch of quick drawing ideas in a short amount of time really had me thinking about my personas… What did they want? What did they really need? How can I address their pain points? I approached my user flows and wireframes thinking about simplicity, connectivity and freedom. I started realizing the core to this app was the camera and to keep it simple, which the data guided me towards, I had to make sure the user always had it at the ready.
Task and User Flows
Task Flow
How a user could interact with ARcadia to create a video for a friend and interact with the friends or influencers list.
User Flow - Ashley
How a user could interact with ARcadia to create a video for a friend and interact with the friends or influencers list.
User Flow - Jayla
How a user could interact with ARcadia to create a video for a friend and interact with the friends or influencers list.
Crazy 8's
As a brainstorming exercise, I used a technique called “Crazy Eights”. I tried to come up with 8 distinct drawings in 8 minutes for several areas of the app, focusing on the main components, like the friends list, influencers and settings. What I originally thought was a god idea for certain screens in the app ended up being put aside for a version of the quick sketches I did.
Friend's List
ARcadia Login
The main logo screen for the ARcadia app, consisting of the logo and input fields
ARcadia Camera
The main screen for the app, which is the camera for taking photos, video and placing AR objects. Navigation to other screens uses gestures.
ARcadia AR Items
While on the main screen with the camera, users can swipe to a menu with objects, stickers and other items to drop in the ARcadia world.
ARcadia Friends
The Friend menu for displaying friends, which appears over the camera (blurred). The size of the icons represents the time since that person’s last post. There are also icons for categorizing friends.
ARcadia "My Time" Map
The user’s map displaying their current journey/story and areas they left AR videos, pictures or objects. It is viewable by groups the user selects (i.e. - friends and higher).
ARcadia "Friend" Map
The Friend map displaying the user’s friends and locations where those users posted AR pictures, videos or objects. Each pin or icon can be clicked on to view items.
Logo Design
I’m a big fan of doodling. I use a Micron and paper or even doodle in Illustrator or Cinema 4D. For the logo, I looked at some reference, but I ended up thinking about elements of the app as well as what I felt was the core idea – bringing people together in a space. I just kept going and ended up with a great idea in the end.
I wanted the logo to represent locations and bringing people together. I played with the “a” and “r” a lot at first to see what I could come up with. I also thought about folding worlds since AR and reality were mixing.
I started pushing the idea of location and pins, still keeping the “a” and “r” in mind. I started dissecting the letters as well to represent different people or places.
I moved over to Illustrator since I felt that I could duplicate and make minor alterations quickly. I liked a pin idea (top left) and started thinking how that could be incorporated. I started to realize the idea I had for a friend’s image size shrinking based on post time would work well with the pin size in the logo.
I liked the idea of the intertwined pins, but I wanted to make sure the idea worked when it was applied to an app icon. I was still debating on fills or lines at this point, but the fill won due to readability on the phone.
Style Tile
ARcadia Login
The login screen with logo and options for login help
ARcadia Camera
The main screen for the app with alert (left edge glow) and buttons for AR items, camera and switch cameras.
ARcadia AR Items
AR items submenu with options for stickers, draw, add text and 3D items.
ARcadia Friends
The Friend menu with ability to add, sort, choose a friend and that friend's status.
Change Friend Level
Long press on a friend status to display options for different friend levels (directly relates to what that friend can view, share or follow).
Sort Friends
Long press to sort by time, alphabetical or location distance.
Friend's Posts
After tapping a friend, their posts are displayed with a photo sized based on when the post was created (large is most recent, smallest is oldest).
Friend Interaction
Long press on a friend's image shows options to snooze, drop a personalized ARcadia item or send a message.
"Friend" Map
Locations of ARcadia items that friends have dropped and the user has permission to view.
ARcadia View
Viewing friend, influencer and businesses with AR interactions or check-ins. Popular pins show flames.
ARcadia Pin - Expanded
Tapping a pin with multiple check-ins expands to show friends, influencers and others who have visited that location.
Testing 1... 2...
The prototype for user testing was built in specifically due to the ease of adding gestures, which this app design relies heavily on. Four users were recruited for testing on a mobile device, focusing on the functionality and overall appeal of AR in a social media app. Some animations and gestures were implemented into with a more comprehensive version completed in After Effects.
After the completion of testing, revisions were made to address issues for usability and overall flow based on user feedback. Prototype
After Effects Prototype
User Testing Results
Based on the user testing, the participants met or exceeded the expectations for completion of the tasks. Only one user failed to complete a task in full. This was a good sign for the app design, but the level of errors gave me a lot more information to address.
The error-free rate fell below expectations, but it gave me the insight about how usable my app was in its current state. Users had issues with certain long-press interactions and the iconography used for those areas. These were important discoveries that led to updates for the app design and functionality.
Affinity Map
IRL... for now
The first round of design was used to determine the basic functionality and proper use of the ARcadia app. With the feedback that I received during user testing, there are a few items that need to be updated and tested again, such as iconography for the sorting of friends as well as the gestures for seeing the user’s map or friend’s map. From there, the next sprint will include a few more functions and how they will incorporate into the current state. These may include events in AR, virtual meetups or photos and other social aspects that fit the AR-focused app.